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Keepassxc Browser Extension

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Updated12 March 2019

This guide replaces our previous Tool Guide for KeePassX. You can open your KeePassX password database using KeePassXC, and we recommend that you do. You can find the old KeePassX Tool Guide for Windows here.

We need to import our database so the browser extension will recognize it. First, to allow KeePassXC to share files with the browser extension, open the app and change your settings. Official browser plugin for the KeePassXC password manager. In contrast to KeePassX (package keepassx), KeePassXC is actively developed and has more features, e.g., connectivity to a Web Browser plugin (package webext-keepassxc-browser). Tags: Interface Toolkit: Qt. Sug: webext-keepassxc-browser Web browser extension to organize web site credentials in KeePassXC sug: xclip command line interface to X selections Download keepassxc. Download for all available architectures; Architecture Version Package Size Installed Size Files; alpha (unofficial port) 2.6.1+dfsg.1-1.

KeePassXC is a cross-platform, free and open source (FOSS) password manager that allows you to store all of your passphrases in one secure, portable database.

  • The ability to save all of your passphrases in one encrypted database
  • The ability to copy and paste those passphrases so you do not have to memorise them
  • The ability to generate completely random passphrases
  • The ability to encrypt notes and files attached to the entries in your password database

KeePassXC is a tool that helps you store and manage various passphrases inside an encrypted database file. This file is encrypted to a master passphrase that you create. KeePassXC can also generate strong passphrases for your accounts.

Because this database is encrypted, you can store copies in various places, which makes backup relatively easy. We do not recommend sending your database by email or storing it online where it might be accessed by others, but many KeePassXC users keep a copy on their primary computer, a copy on a USB memory stick and a copy on their backup drive.

In the sections that follow, you will learn how to:

  • Create password database and set a master passphrase
  • Save your newly created password database
  • Generate a random password for a particular service or account
  • Extract passwords from KeePassXC when you need them
  • Change your master passphrase

1.0. Things you should know about KeePassXC before you start

If you use KeePassXC consistently for a particular account or passphrase, you may not need to remember that passphrase at all. In fact, you never even need to see it. You can simply copy it from KeePassXC and paste it into the login or password screen. (KeePassXC will wipe it from your clipboard memory when you're done.) Furthermore, the random passphrases that KeePassXC generates are typically much stronger than the ones we come up with ourselves.

1.1. Other tools like KeePassXC

KeePassXC is available for GNU Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Similar tools include:

  • KeePass2Android: Free and open-source software for Android. Its database format is compatible with KeePassXC.
  • MiniKeePass: Free and open-source software for iPhone. Its database format is compatible with KeePassXC.
  • 1Password: a commercial product available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, iPhone and iPad.

To download and install KeePassXC, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Visit the KeePassXC download site:

Figure 1: KeePassXC download page

Step 2.ClickPortable ZIP archive under the Windows > Portable (64-bit) download section, as shown below:

Figure 2: KeePassXC download file for Windows

This will activate a download screen.

Figure 3: Saving KeePassXC

Note: You might need to select the Portable (32-bit) archive if you are running an older, 32-bit version of Windows. Also, you might want to install KeePassXC to the default location instead of using the portable version as we suggest above. If you do, just download and run the Executable installer under EXE Installer (64-bit) or EXE Installer (32-bit). Then follow the instructions, launch the application and skip to Section 3, below.

Step 3.Select[Save File]

Step 4.Click[OK] to start downloading the KeePassXC archive.

When it has finished downloading, find the archive (most likely in your Downloads folder).

Figure 4: Extracting the KeePassXC application folder

Step 5.Right-click the KeePassXC archive and select[Extract All..].

Figure 5: Selecting a destination for the KeePassXC application folder

Step 6.Click[Browse..] to select a location where you would like to extract the KeePassXC application folder

Figure 6: Selecting a folder to extract the KeePassXC file

Step 7.Navigate to the location where you want to keep your KeePassXC application folder and click[Select Folder].

Keepassxc Browser Extension

Figure 7: Extracting the KeePassXC file

Step 8.Click[Extract] to extract the KeePassXC application folder

Figure 8: Extracting the KeePassXC file to the selected location

The KeePassXC application folder is now on your computer. To launch KeePassXC, navigate into this folder and double-click the application file by following the steps below:

Figure 9: KeePassXC extracted and installed

Step 9.Double-click the [KeePassXC-2.0.2] application folder

Figure 10: KeePassXC application

Step 10. double-click the KeePassXC application file to launch KeePassXC

After launching KeePassXC, follow the steps below to create and save a password database.

Figure 1: KeePassXC with no database open

Step 1. ClickCreate new database in the KeePassXC window.

KeePassXC will activate a file browser so you can choose a location for your new password database and give it a name.

Figure 2: Choosing a name and location for your password database Rapidweaver 8 1 2 – create template based websites rapidly.

Step 2. Navigate to the location where you want to save your database

In this example, we will save our KeePassXC database on the Desktop, but you can put it anywhere. If you store it on a USB flash memory stick along with a copy of the KeePassXC application, for example, you will be able to access and use your database from other computers. (As long as you trust those computers not to be infected by malware!)

Step 3. Type a filename into the File name box

Tip: In this example, we name our database my-database.kdbx, but you can name it anything you like. If you are worried that someone with access to your computer might see this file and demand that you give them your master passphrase, you might want to come up with something less conspicuous. If you add a different 'extension' to the end of the filename, for example, your operating system will usually give it a more 'normal looking' icon. You could name your password database 'Recipes.docx,' for example, or 'Rental Agreement.pdf'. But keep in mind that if you give your password database a name that does not end in '.kdbx', you will not be able to double-click the file to open it in KeePassXC. You will have to launch KeePassXC first, then open your database using the menu. Luckily, KeePassXC remembers the last database you opened, so you won't have to do this often.

Figure 3: Choosing a name and location for your password database

Step 4. Click[Save]

Important: Your master passphrase will be used to encrypt your password database. This is how KeePassXC protects all of the other passphrases it stores, so it is extremely important that you choose a strong master passphrase and that you not use it anywhere else. Unfortunately, this passphrase must also be memorable. (You obviously can't keep your KeePassXC master passphrase inside KeePassXC, but writing it down might defeat the purpose of using an encrypted database in the first place. And if you forget it, you will lose access to everything in your database.) So take your time and come up with something strong and memorable. For more advice, see the Create and maintain secure passwords guide.

Figure 4: Choosing a passphrase for your KeePassXC password database

Step 5. Choose a strong, memorable master passphrase and type it into the Enter password and Repeat password fields.

Note: If you want to check your master passphrase (assuming nobody else can see your screen), click the button. To hide your passphrase, click the same button again.

Step 6. Click[OK].

Figure 5: A new, empty, unsaved KeePassXC password database

This will create your KeePassXC database. Now make sure you can find and re-open it using your master passphrase before you start adding entries to it.

Important: Notice the asterisk (*) after my-database.kdbx in the title bar. This means you have made changes to your database but have not yet saved them. As with any electronic documents, you must save your password database whenever you update it. Otherwise your changes will be lost.

Step 7. Click the button to save your password database.

Step 8. ClickDatabase and SelectClose database from the KeePassXC menu

Figure 6: Closing a KeePassXC database

Now find and re-open your KeePassXC database using your master password.

Step 9. ClickDatabase and SelectOpen database from the KeePassXC menu

Figure 7: Opening a KeePassXC database

KeePassXC will activate a file browser so you can locate your password database.

Figure 8: Locating your KeePassXC database

Step 10. Navigate to the location where you saved your database and click the file.

Step 11. Click[Open]

Figure 9: Entering your master passphrase

Step 12. Type the master passphrase for this KeePassXC password database.

Keepassxc browser extension icon

Step 13. Click[OK]

Figure 10: Re-opened, empty password database

Tip: If you were unable to open your database because you forgot the master passphrase, you will have to generate a new one. There is no way to recover a lost passphrase.

4.1 Create a new group if needed

Follow the steps below to create a new Group. In this example, we will create a group called 'Email'.

Step 1. To create a new group entry, click[Groups > Add new group] from the KeePassXC menu.

Figure 1: Creating a new group in KeePassXC

Step 2.Type the name of your group in the Name box.

Figure 2: Naming a new group in KeePassXC

Step 3.Click[OK].

4.2. Create a new password entry

Follow the steps below to create a new entry in your KeePassXC password database.

Step 1. Make sure the correct Group is selected.

Figure 1: Selecting a group for your new entry

Step 2. Click the button.

Figure 2: The Add Entry screen

The Add Entry screen allows you to store information about a particular account or passphrase inside your KeePassXC database. Most of this information is optional.

Key elements include:

  • Title: A name to describe this particular entry.
  • Password: Your passphrase for this account. You can enter a passphrase manually or click the button next to the Repeat field to generate a random passphrase. (See the following section for more about the Password Generator.) You can make your passphrase visible by clicking the button with the button just to the right of the Password field.)
  • Repeat: Confirm that you have entered the correct passphrase by typing it a second time.

Optional elements include:

  • Username: The username associated with this entry.
  • URL: The website associated with the password entry.
  • Expires: You can add a reminder for yourself to change the password at a specific time (every six months, for example) by clicking the Expires box.
  • Notes: Here you can enter general notes about the entry. Examples might include server configuration information, links to privacy policies, chosen 'security questions,' etc. Your comments will be encrypted, along with your passwords, when you close the database. While the entry is open, however, your notes will be visible to anyone who can see your screen.

You can change the icon for this entry or add an attachment (which will be encrypted along with everything else) by selecting the corresponding category in the left-most column.

Note: Creating or modifying the password entries in KeePassXC does not change the passwords on your actual account! Think of KeePassXC as a secure electronic sheet of paper for your passwords. It only stores what you write in it, nothing more.

Step 3. Type the relevant information for the account or passphrase you want to store in your KeePassXC database.

Figure 3: Filling out the Add Entry form

Note: If you'd like to generate a new, random passphrase for this entry using KeePassXC's Password Generator, see the following section.

Step 4. Click[OK].

Figure 4: New entry created but not yet saved

Keepassxc Browser Extension

Step 13. Click[OK]

Figure 10: Re-opened, empty password database

Tip: If you were unable to open your database because you forgot the master passphrase, you will have to generate a new one. There is no way to recover a lost passphrase.

4.1 Create a new group if needed

Follow the steps below to create a new Group. In this example, we will create a group called 'Email'.

Step 1. To create a new group entry, click[Groups > Add new group] from the KeePassXC menu.

Figure 1: Creating a new group in KeePassXC

Step 2.Type the name of your group in the Name box.

Figure 2: Naming a new group in KeePassXC

Step 3.Click[OK].

4.2. Create a new password entry

Follow the steps below to create a new entry in your KeePassXC password database.

Step 1. Make sure the correct Group is selected.

Figure 1: Selecting a group for your new entry

Step 2. Click the button.

Figure 2: The Add Entry screen

The Add Entry screen allows you to store information about a particular account or passphrase inside your KeePassXC database. Most of this information is optional.

Key elements include:

  • Title: A name to describe this particular entry.
  • Password: Your passphrase for this account. You can enter a passphrase manually or click the button next to the Repeat field to generate a random passphrase. (See the following section for more about the Password Generator.) You can make your passphrase visible by clicking the button with the button just to the right of the Password field.)
  • Repeat: Confirm that you have entered the correct passphrase by typing it a second time.

Optional elements include:

  • Username: The username associated with this entry.
  • URL: The website associated with the password entry.
  • Expires: You can add a reminder for yourself to change the password at a specific time (every six months, for example) by clicking the Expires box.
  • Notes: Here you can enter general notes about the entry. Examples might include server configuration information, links to privacy policies, chosen 'security questions,' etc. Your comments will be encrypted, along with your passwords, when you close the database. While the entry is open, however, your notes will be visible to anyone who can see your screen.

You can change the icon for this entry or add an attachment (which will be encrypted along with everything else) by selecting the corresponding category in the left-most column.

Note: Creating or modifying the password entries in KeePassXC does not change the passwords on your actual account! Think of KeePassXC as a secure electronic sheet of paper for your passwords. It only stores what you write in it, nothing more.

Step 3. Type the relevant information for the account or passphrase you want to store in your KeePassXC database.

Figure 3: Filling out the Add Entry form

Note: If you'd like to generate a new, random passphrase for this entry using KeePassXC's Password Generator, see the following section.

Step 4. Click[OK].

Figure 4: New entry created but not yet saved

Important: Notice the asterisk (*) after my-database.kdbx in the title bar. This means you have made changes to your database but have not yet saved them. As with any electronic documents, you must save your password database whenever you update it. Otherwise your changes will be lost.

Step 5. Click the button to save your password database.

4.3 Generating random passphrases

It is possible to create a strong passphrase yourself, but it is difficult. And it is especially difficult if you expect your passphrase to be memorable. It is much easier to generate a long, complex and completely random passphrase that is nearly impossible to remember but guaranteed to be strong. KeePassXC provides a Password Generator to help with this process. If you are willing and able to rely on KeePassXC every time you need to enter a particular passphrase, you should consider adopting this strategy.

You can generate a random passphrase while creating a new entry or while editing an existing entry. To do so, follow the steps below when you get to the Add entry or Edit entry screens.

Figure 1: Editing or creating an entry

Step 1.Click the button next to the Repeat box.

Figure 2: The KeePassXC Random Password Generator

The KeePassXC Password Generator allows you to specify the length of your passphrase and the types of characters from which it will be created. We will stick with the defaults in this example, so our random passphrase will be 16 characters long and will contain upper-and lower-case letters and numbers.

Tip: As long as nobody else can see your screen, you can view the randomly generated passphrase by clicking the button to the right of the second Password box. (The one that contains a hidden passphrase.) Clicking the same button again will hide your passphrase.

Step 2.Click[Apply].

KeePassXC will automatically enter the randomly generated passphrase into the Password and Repeat fields. If this entry already contained a passphrase, it will be replaced by the new one when you click OK.

Figure 3: A KeePassXC entry with a randomly generated passphrase

Step 3.Click[OK].

Figure 4: A new or edited entry with a randomly generated passphrase

Step 4.Save your KeePassXC database.

4.4. Editing an existing password entry

You can edit existing entries to change your password or modify other details. If nothing else, you should change your passwords periodically.

Important: If you rely on KeePassXC to record your passphrase for a particular account – rather than memorising it – don't forget to sign in to your account before generating a new passphrase in KeePassXC. Otherwise, you might replace the passphrase in your KeePassXC entry, save your database, and find that you can no longer sign in to your account. If this happens to you, there is a History screen, for each password entry. (It is shown on the left-hand side of Figure 3, below.) You can use this feature to access previous passphrases for this entry.

To edit an entry, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Select the group from the list on the left-hand side of the window to see the entries in that group.

Figure 1: Choosing a group in the main KeePassXC database window

Step 2.Right-click the chosen entry and selectView/Edit entry.

Figure 2: Selecting a KeePassXC entry to view or edit

Iconvert icons 2 7 – convert icons to png format. This will open the selected entry for editing.

Figure 3: Viewing or editing a KeePassXC entry

With an open entry, you can add new information or edit existing information, including the passphrase. You can also use the button to generate a new, random passphrase. When you are done, you can save your changes by following the steps below.

Step 3.Click[OK].

Figure 4: A modified KeePassXC entry

Step 4.Click the button to save your password database.

Note: Remember that making changes to a KeePassXC entry only updates the KeePassXC database. It does not automatically update corresponding information elsewhere. If you change an account or login passphrase, you will need to make changes both to the account and to your KeePassXC entry.

One of the best features of KeePassXC is that it safely stores long, strong passphrases so you do not have to memorize them (or reuse them, which is extremely risky). KeePassXC lets you copy your passphrases from the database and paste them directly into relevant password or login screens. (Passphrases copied in this way will only remain in your clipboard for about 10 seconds. So if someone with physical access to your device comes along behind you and tries to paste into an empty document, your passphrases will not be exposed.)

5.1 Sign into an account using KeePassXC

In this example, we'll sign into a webmail account by copying and pasting a passphrase from our KeePassXC entry for the Riseup email service.

Step 1.Browse to the login screen of your service provider.

Figure 1: A Riseup email login screen

Step 2. Type your username.

Note: If you entered a Username for this entry in KeePassXC, you can copy it to the clipboard with the right-click menu. You can then paste it into the login screen rather than typing it.

Step 3. Switch to KeePassXC.

Figure 2: Finding the appropriate entry in your KeePassXC password database

Step 4. Click the Group to which your entry belongs.

Step 5. Right-click the appropriate entry and selectCopy password.

Figure 3: Copying a passphrase using the right-click menu

Step 6. Switch back to the login screen

Step 7. Right-click in the password box and selectPaste.

Figure 4: Pasting a passphrase into a login screen

You should see a (hidden) passphrase appear in the Password box.

Figure 5: Pasting a passphrase into a login screen

Step 8. Click[Login].

Figure 6: Successfully signed in using KeePassXC

Note:Select Never Save or Don't Save to refuse your browser's offer to save the password. We do not recommend savingpasswords in your browser.

Tip: For easier copying, switching between applications and pasting, practice using keyboard shortcuts:

  • Select the Group, Click the entry, press and hold the Ctrl key, then press c to copy your passphrase.
  • Click inside the Password box, Press and hold the Ctrl key, then press v to paste that passphrase.
  • You can use Ctrl-v instead of Ctrl-c to copy a username (instead of a passphrase) from within KeePassXC
  • To switch between open windows quickly, you can Press and hold the Alt key, then press the Tab key

6.1 Lock and close KeePassXC

Leaving your KeePassXC password database open is a bit like storing your valuables in a vault and forgetting to close the door. Anyone with access to your computer for a few seconds can duplicate everything in it. So, when you're not actively copying and pasting passphrases, you should close your database. You will have to enter your master passphrase next time you need to lookup an entry, but that's a good thing.

KeePassXC includes a few optional settings designed to make this easier, including the ability to lock your database automatically. Follow the steps below to enable this feature and to practice locking your database in a hurry.

Step 1. ClickTools and selectSettings from the KeePassXC menu bar, as shown below

Figure 1: Selecting KeePassXC Settings

This will activate the Settings screen

Figure 2: The KeePassXC Settings screen

Step 2. ClickSecurity from the list of categories on the left

Figure 3: KeePassXC Security settings

In this example, we will configure KeePassXC to lock automatically after one minute.

Figure 4: Configuring KeePassXC to lock automatically

Step 3. Check the Lock database after inactivity of box

Step 4. Type a number of seconds in the field to the right

Tip: You can also change the number of seconds that KeePassXC leaves copied passphrases in the clipboard before deleting them. If the default 10 seconds does not feel like enough, you might want to change the value in Clear clipboard to 20 or 30 seconds.

Step 5. Click[OK]

You can also lock your password database manually. Follow the steps below to practice saving and locking your database quickly.

Step 6. PressCtrl-s to save your password database. (You can also click the button.)

Step 7. PressCtrl-llock your password database. (You can also click the button.)

Figure 5: A locked database in KeePassXC

To open your database again, follow the steps below.

Figure 6: Opening a locked KeePassXC database

Step 8. Type your master passphrase into the Password box.

Step 9. Click[OK].

6.2 Back up your KeePassXC database

You should create multiple copies of your password database and try to keep at least one backup that is relatively up-to-date. All of your backup copies will be protected by your master passphrase, so it is generally safe to store them on regular, unencrypted hard drives and USB memory sticks.

To make a backup copy of your password database, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Navigate to your password database. Right-click your password database and SelectCopy

Figure 1: Locating your password database and copying it

Step 2. Navigate to another location. In this example, we use a USB memory stick. Right-click in the location you have chosen and SelectPaste.

Figure 2: Pasting a backup copy of your password database to location for your backup

Step 3. Right-click the backup copy of your password database and SelectRename.

Figure 3: Choosing a new name for your backup copy

Step 4. Type a new name for your backup copy so you don't get it confused with your master copy.

Step 5. PressEnter.

Figure 4: A new password database backup

Tip:KeePassXC does not automatically update all copies of a database when changes are made. You have to do this manually. It's a good habit to regularly replace backup copies of your KeePassXC database. That way you won't lose all of your new entries if you misplace your database file.

6.3. Resetting your master passphrase

You can change the master passphrase for a KeePassXC database any time. To change your master passphrase, follow the steps below.

Step 1. ClickDatabase and selectChange master key from the KeePassXC menu bar, as shown below:

Figure 1: Changing your master passphrase

This will activate the Change Master Key screen.

Figure 2: Choosing a new master passphrase

Step 2.Choose a strong passphrase and type it into the Enter password and Repeat password boxes.

Step 3.Click[OK].

Step 4. Click the button to save your database.

6.4 Importing a password database from KeePass or older versions of KeePassXC

KeePassXC can open a KeePassX password database as long as it was created with a relatively recent version of KeePassX. However, the password database format used in older versions of KeePassX (including version 0.4.3) is no longer maintained. If you have a password database that was created using an old version of KeePassX, or using KeePass, you should import it into KeePassXC and re-save it. To do so, follow the steps below.

In this example, we will assume that you already have an up-to-date password database open in KeePassXC, but you can also import databases into a fresh installation of KeePassXC.

Step 1. ClickDatabase and selectImport KeePass 1 database, as shown below.

Figure 1: Importing an older password database

In this example, we will import a file called 'old-database.kdb' located on the Desktop.

Step 2. Navigate to the location of your older password database.

Figure 2: Locating your older KeePass password database

Step 3. Select the password database file.

Step 4. Click[Open].

Step 5. Type the master passphrase for your older password database.

Figure 3: Entering the master passphrase for your older password database

Step 6. Click[OK].

Note: If you already have a database open, KeePassXC will open your older database in a second tab

Figure 4: A second, older password database open in a second tab

You can save this database normally and it will be converted to the current KeePassXC database format.

Step 7. To save your older database in the new format ClickDatabase and selectSave database as.., as shown below.

Figure 5: Saving an up-to-date copy of an older password database

In this example, we are saving our imported password database to the Desktop and naming it 'imported-db.kdbx'.

Step 8. Navigate to the location where you would like to store a new copy of this password database.

Step 9. Type a filename for your new password database into the File name box.

Figure 6: Choosing a location and a name for your updated password database

Step 10. Click[Save].

Your imported database is now up-to-date and should contain all of the entries it had before. You can access and modify it normally using up-to-date versions of KeePassXC and its original master passphrase.

Note: Don't be confused by the filename displayed in the KeePassX title bar or tab. It will reflect the previous name of this password database, even when you are opening an imported, up-to-date file. (Note the 'old-keepassx-db.kdb' in the figure above. In fact, this database is now called 'imported-db.kdbx'.)

Q: On the outside chance that I forget my master password, is there anything I can do to access retrieve my saved passphrases?

A: Nope. There is nothing you can do in that situation. To prevent this from happening, you could use some of the methods for remembering passphrases that are described in the Create and maintain strong passwords guide.

Q: And if I uninstall or remove KeePassXC, what will happen to my passwords?

A: The program will be deleted from your computer, but your database (stored in a .kdbx file) will remain. You can open this file at any time in the future if you install KeePassXC again.

Q: I think I accidentally deleted the database file!

A: Hopefully you made a backup beforehand. Make sure you haven't simply forgotten where you stored the file in the first place. Search your computer for a file with a .kdbx extension.

KeePassXC is a cross-platform password manager that allows you to store all of your passwords in one location. A password manager is a tool that creates and stores passwords for you, so you can use many different passwords on different sites and services without having to memorize them. You only need to remember one master password that allows you to access the encrypted password manager database of all your passwords.

There are a number of programs with names similar to KeePassXC, like KeePassX, KeePass, and KeePass2. Some of these are based on the same code, while others just use the same database format. This guide recommends KeePassXC because it is cross-platform and more actively developed than some of the alternatives.

Using a password manager creates a single point of failure and establishes an obvious target for bad actors or adversaries. Research suggests that many commonly used passwords managers have vulnerabilities, so use caution when determining whether or not this is the right tool for you.


How KeePassXC works Anchor link

KeePassXC works with password databases, which are files that store a list of all your passwords. These databases are encrypted when they are stored on your computer's hard disk. So, if your computer is off and someone steals it, they will not be able to read your passwords.

Password databases can be encrypted using a master password. Since your master password protects all your other passwords, you should make it as strong as possible.

Using a master passwordAnchor link

A master password acts like a key—in order to open the password database, you need the correct master password. Without it, nobody can see what's inside the password database. When using a master password to secure your password database, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • This master password will decrypt all of your passwords, so it needs to be strong! It should be hard to guess and long. The longer it is, the less you need to worry about having special characters or capital letters or numbers. So make your master password a passphrase. A passphrase is a string of many words that are easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.
  • You can create a strong master passphrase using regular, random words. These are easier to remember than unnatural combinations of symbols and capital letters. See our password guide for more details on creating a strong password.

Getting started with KeePassXC Anchor link

Install KeePassXC and launch it. Click on the Database menu and select 'New Database.' You will be prompted to save your password database. Note that you can move the password database file later to wherever you like on your hard disk, or move it to other computers—you will still be able to open it using KeePassXC and the password, or keyfile, you specified before.

What's a keyfile? Using a keyfile in addition to your master password can make it harder for someone to decrypt your password database if they steal a copy. You can use any existing file as a keyfile—an image of your cat for example, could be used as a keyfile. You'll just need to make sure the file you choose never gets modified, because if its contents are changed then it will no longer decrypt your password database. Sometimes opening a file in another program can be enough to modify it so don't open the file except to unlock KeePassXC. (It is safe to move or rename the keyfile, though.) Usually a strong master password is plenty on its own. If you choose to use a keyfile in addition to your master password, make sure to store it separately from your password database.

Next, you will be asked to enter a master password and/or use a keyfile. Select the appropriate checkbox(es) based on your choice.

If you want to see the password you're typing in (instead of obscuring it with dots), click the button with the eye to the right.

Organizing passwords Anchor link

KeePassXC allows you to organize passwords into 'Groups,' which are basically just folders. You can create, delete, or edit Groups or Subgroups by going to the 'Groups' menu in the menubar, or by right-clicking on a Group in the left-hand pane of the KeePassXC window. Grouping passwords doesn't affect any of the functionality of KeePassXC—it's just a handy organizational tool.

Storing/generating/editing passwords Anchor link

To create a new password or store a password you already have, click on the Group in which you want to store the password, right-click in the right pane, and choose 'Add New Entry.' (You can also choose 'Entries > Add New Entry' from the menu bar.) For basic password usage:

  • Enter a descriptive title you can use to recognize the password entry in the 'Title' field. For example, this could be the name of the website or service the password is for.
  • Enter the username associated with the password entry in the 'Username' field. (If there is no username, leave this blank.)
  • Enter your password in the 'Password' field. If you're creating a new password, click on the dice icon to the right. You might want to do this when you are signing up for a new website, or when you are replacing older, weaker passwords with new, unique, random passphrases. After you click the dice icon, a password generator will appear in the window. You can use this to generate a random password. You'll be presented with many options, including what sorts of characters to include and how long to make the password.
    • Note that if you generate a random password, you don't have to remember (or even know!) what that password is. KeePassXC stores it for you, and any time you need it you will be able to copy/paste it into the appropriate program. This is the whole point of a password manager—you can use different long random passwords for each website/service, without even knowing what the passwords are!
    • Because of this, you should make the password as long as the service will allow and use as many different types of characters as possible.
    • Once you're satisfied with the options, click 'Generate' in the lower right to generate the password. The generated random password will automatically be entered in the 'Password' and 'Repeat' fields for you. If you are using an old version of KeePassXC, the random password may not be automatically entered into the 'Password' and 'Repeat' fields, so you should click 'Apply' first. (If you're not generating a random password, then you'll need to enter your chosen password again in the 'Repeat' field.) Then click 'OK.'
  • Your password is now stored in your password database. To make sure the changes are saved, save the edited password database by going to 'Database > Save Database.'

If you need to change/edit the stored password, you can just choose its Group and then double-click on its title in the right-hand pane, and the 'Edit Entry' dialog will pop up.

Normal Use Anchor link

To use an entry in your password database, right-click on the entry and choose 'Copy username' or 'Copy password.' Go to the window/website where you want to enter your username/password, and paste it in the appropriate field. (Instead of right-clicking on the entry, you can also double-click on the username or password of the entry you want, and the username or password will be automatically copied to your clipboard.)

Other Features Anchor link

KeePassXC allows you to:

  • search your database using the search box (the text box in the toolbar of the main KeePassXC window).
  • sort your entries by clicking on the column header in the main window.

  • 'lock' KeePassXC by choosing 'Tools > Lock Databases.' This allows you to leave KeePassXC open, but have it ask for your master password (and/or keyfile) before you can access your password database again. You can also have KeePassXC automatically lock itself after a certain period of inactivity. This can prevent someone from accessing your passwords if you step away from your computer or lose it. To enable this feature on macOS, choose 'Preferences > Settings' from the menu and click on the security options. Then check the box that says 'Lock database after inactivity of [number] seconds.' For Linux or Windows, choose 'Tools > Settings' from the menu and click on the security options. Then check the box that says 'Lock database after inactivity of [number] seconds.'

KeePassXC can also store more than just usernames and passwords. For example, you can create entries to store important things like account numbers, product keys, airline frequent flyer information, or serial numbers. There's no requirement that the data you put in the 'Password' field actually has to be a password. Just input what you want to store in the 'Password' field instead of an actual password (and leave the 'Username' field blank if there's no username) and KeePassXC will safely and securely remember it for you.

Keepass Browser Plugin

How to install the browser extension Anchor link

These instructions are from, accessed on April 30, 2018.

A browser extension is a software component that adds additional features to your web browser. Using the KeePassXC browser extension provides a convenient way for your browser and your KeePassXC application to communicate. This will allow you to quickly save or auto-fill passwords on the web.

Starting with version 2.3, KeePassXC offers a new browser plugin called KeePassXC-Browser. It is compatible with Google Chrome, Chromium, Firefox and Vivaldi and available in the Chrome Web Store and the Mozilla Add-ons repository.

The new add-on replaces the old KeePassHTTP add-ons (KeePassHttp-Connector, chromeIPass, PassIFox etc.) and support for those will be removed in future KeePassXC versions.

How to connect KeePassXC-Browser with KeePassXC

After installing KeePassXC-Browser and KeePassXC, you must first start KeePassXC and tweak some settings that are not enabled by default.

1. Enable browser integration

Go to the KeePassXC settings and enable browser integration support under Browser Integration / Enable KeePassXC Browser Integration. Without this, the browser extension cannot communicate with KeePassXC:

If enabled, the old KeePassHTTP interface can be disabled by unticking the checkbox Legacy Browser Integration / Enable KeePassHTTP server. Any installed corresponding browser add-on (KeePassHttp-Connector etc.) can be uninstalled.

2. Enable browser support

To allow your browser to access KeePassXC, you need to tell it where to find the KeePassXC program file. Luckily, KeePassXC does this automatically for you. All you need to do is tick the checkbox under Enable integration for these browsers for any browser you want to use KeePassXC with.

3. Connect to the database

Keepassxc Browser Extension Edge

Open KeePassXC and unlock your database (this is important, the following steps won't work if your database is locked or KeePassXC isn't running).

Switch to your browser and click the KeePassXC icon next to your address bar. A popup appears telling you that KeePassXC-Browser has not been configured (if you see a different error message, click Refresh and wait a few seconds).

Press the Connect button. A window appears asking you to enter a name and grant access:

Enter a name of your choice (ideally one that identifies your browser) and click Save and allow access. Your browser is now connected to KeePassXC.

Using Autofill can be bad for your privacy. To disable it, uncheck the settings 'Automatically fill-in single credentials entry' and 'Activate autocomplete for username fields.'

Keepassxc Browser Integration

You're all done! Now you can save any credentials you enter on the web. You will also be able to automatically fill in your usernames/passwords.

Keepassxc Browser Extension Google Chrome

KeePassXC is easy-to-use, robust software, and we recommend exploring the program to learn all of the useful things it can do.

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