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Dropshelf 1 3 3 – Makes Dragging And Dropping Easier

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The first editing technique you need to learn in Excel 2013 is drag and drop. Drag and drop is primarily a technique for moving cell entries around a worksheet, you can adapt it to copy a cell selection, as well. Drag and drop questions enable the learner to associate two or more elements and to make logical connections in a visual way. Create Drag and drop questions using both text and images as draggable alternatives. Shapes 4 6 download free. H5P Drag and drop questions support multiple draggable to drop zone combinations; one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many.

Using the HTML5 Drag and Drop API

The HTML5 Drag and Drop (DnD) API means that we can make almost any element on our page draggable.In this post we'll explain the basics of Drag and Drop.

Creating draggable content #

It's worth noting that in most browsers, text selections, images, and links are draggable by default.For example, if you drag the Google logo on Google Search you will see the ghost image.The image can then be dropped in the address bar, an element, or even the desktop.To make other types of content draggable you need to use the HTML5 DnD APIs.

To make an object draggable set draggable=true on that element.Just about anything can be drag-enabled, images, files, links, files, or any markup on your page.

In our example we're creating an interface to rearrange some columns,which have been laid out with CSS Grid.The basic markup for my columns looks like this,with each column having the draggable attribute set to true.

Here's the CSS for my container and box elements.Note that the only CSS related to DnD functionality is the cursor: move property.The rest of the code just controls the layout and styling of the container and box elements.

At this point you will find that you can drag the items,however nothing else will happen.To add the DnD functionality we need to use the JavaScript API.

Listening for dragging events #

There are a number of different events to attach to for monitoring the entire drag and drop process.

To handle the DnD flow, you need some kind of source element (where the drag originates),the data payload (what you're trying to drop),and a target (an area to catch the drop).The source element can be an image, list, link, file object, block of HTML, etc.The target is the drop zone (or set of drop zones) that accepts the data the user is trying to drop.Keep in mind that not all elements can be targets, for example an image can't be a target.

Starting and ending a drag and drop sequence #

Once you have draggable='true' attributes defined on your content,attach a dragstart event handler to kick off the DnD sequence for each column.

This code will set the column's opacity to 40% when the user begins dragging it,then return it to 100% when the dragging event ends.

The result can be seen in the Glitch demo below. Drag an item and it becomes opaque.As the dragstart event's target is the source element,setting to 40% gives the user visual feedback that the element is the current selection being moved.Once you drop the item,although the drop functionality is not in place,the source element returns to 100% opacity.

Add additional visual cues with dragenter, dragover, and dragleave#

To help the user understand how to interact with your interface,use the dragenter, dragover and dragleave event handlers.In this example the columns are drop targets in addition to being draggable.Help the user to understand this by making the border dashed as they hold a dragged item over a column.For example, in your CSS you might create an over class to represent elements that are drop targets:

Then, in your JavaScript set up the event handlers,add the over class when the column is dragged over,and remove it when we leave.In the dragend handler we also make sure to remove the classes at the end of the drag.

There are a couple of points worth covering in this code:

  • In the case of dragging something like a link,you need to prevent the browser's default behavior,which is to navigate to that link.To do this, call e.preventDefault() in the dragover event.Another good practice is to return false in that same handler.
  • The dragenter event handler is used to toggle the over class instead of dragover.If you use dragover,the CSS class would be toggled many times as the event dragover continued to fire on a column hover.Ultimately, that would cause the browser's renderer to do a large amount of unnecessary work.Keeping redraws to a minimum is always a good idea.If you need to use the dragover event for something,consider throttling or debouncing your event listener.

Completing the drop #

To process the actual drop,add an event listener for the drop event.In the drop handler,you'll need to prevent the browser's default behavior for drops,which is typically some sort of annoying redirect.You can prevent the event from bubbling up the DOM by calling e.stopPropagation().

If you run the code at this point,the item will not drop to the new location.To achieve this you need to use the DataTransfer object.

The dataTransfer property is where all the DnD magic happens.It holds the piece of data sent in a drag action.dataTransfer is set in the dragstart event and read/handled in the drop event.Calling e.dataTransfer.setData(mimeType, dataPayload) lets you set the object's MIME type and data payload.

In this example, we're going to allow users to rearrange the order of the columns.To do that, first you need to store the source element's HTML when the drag starts:

In the drop event you process the column drop,setting the source column's HTML to the HTML of the target column that you dropped on,first checking that the user is not dropping back onto the same column they dragged from.

You can see the result in the following demo.Drag and release the A column on top of the B column and notice how they change places:

More dragging properties #

The dataTransfer object exposes properties to provide visual feedback to the user during the drag process.These properties can also be used to control how each drop target responds to a particular data type.

  • dataTransfer.effectAllowed restricts what 'type of drag' the user can perform on the element.It is used in the drag-and-drop processing model to initialize the dropEffect during the dragenter and dragover events.The property can be set to the following values: none, copy, copyLink, copyMove, link, linkMove, move, all, and uninitialized.
  • dataTransfer.dropEffect controls the feedback that the user is given during the dragenter and dragover events.When the user hovers over a target element,the browser's cursor will indicate what type of operation is going to take place (e.g. a copy, a move, etc.).The effect can take on one of the following values: none, copy, link, move.
  • e.dataTransfer.setDragImage(imgElement, x, y)means that instead of using the browser's default 'ghost image' feedback,you can optionally set a drag icon.

File upload with drag and drop #

This simple example uses a column as both the drag source and drag target.This might be seen in a UI where the user is asked to rearrange the items.In some situations the drag target and source may be different,such as an interface where the user needs to select one image to be the main image for a product by dragging the selected image onto a target.

Drag and Drop is frequently used to allow users to drag items from their desktop into an application.The main difference is in your drop handler.Instead of using dataTransfer.getData() to access the files,their data will be contained in the dataTransfer.files property:

You can find more information about this in Custom drag-and-drop. Jixipix vintage scenee 2 76 mm.

More resources #

Welcome to our Tips & Tricks section! We have collated an extensive list of shortcuts, commands and best practices to help make your experience using Fantasy Grounds even better!

Drop Shelf 1 3 3 – Makes Dragging And Dropping Easier People

Tips & Tricks

  • Drag the 'End Turn / Next Actor' button from the Combat Tracker to a 'Hotkey'

This allows Players/GM to progress the combat tracker without having it open. Really helpful for those people who have limited screen space.

  • Dragging Damage/Healing/Attack Rolls/Spell Saves from chat to a token or the combat tracker.

Nice to have if you or a player forget to target something before rolling. This will apply damage/healing, show if you hit or not and force a save against the target.

  • [CTRL] + Drag and Drop Damage or Healing from chat to a token or player/npc on combat tracker.

This will reverse whatever was done originally. Example: Player is targeting wrong monster and rolls damage. You can hold [CTRL] while dragging the roll from chat back to that monster and it will heal back the damage done.{Does the reverse if it was a heal} Saves you from doing math and removing wounds etc.

  • Holding [SHIFT] while clicking or dragging damage will make the damage roll as a critical hit.

Helpful if you or a player forget to target something before the roll. Faster than opening the 'Modifiers' (+/-) button and choosing critical. You can also hold [SHIFT] when clicking or dragging an attack roll to show that it is an attack of opportunity in certain rulesets. There can be effects that apply if the attack is Opportunity.

  • Dragging /lighting COLOR-HEX-CODE (/lighting 008080) to a hotbar and then renaming it.

If you are a GM that likes to use custom background colors for caves, dusk/dawn, if a player dies etc. You can type /lighting ff0000 for example and then drag that from chat before you press enter and place it in a hotkey. Then right click on hotkey and rename it 'Player Death' so you can change the mood dramatically & quickly. (Great Resource for Color Hex Codes is:

  • Dragging Images Directly into FG Folder while game is running.

Instead of navigating to a directory and copy/paste images for your campaigns you can just drag the image directly into whatever Image group you have open in FG. Great for adding a map/image during a game or just quickly getting things prepared.

  • Right clicking while dragging dice to add more.

Great for casters or anyone who wants to add dice without editing their spells. Example: Your wizard casts Chromatic Orb at 3rd Level. While they are dragging the damage to the creature they can right click twice to add the two extra damage dice they receive for casting at a higher level. This feature has tons of uses.

  • Editing Weapon Meta on the Action Tab.

At the top of the Action Tab where it says 'WEAPONS' you can click the magnifying glass and increase the critical range for melee/ranged and add extra dice as well. Examples: (Brutal Critical)(Improved Critical)

  • Holding [SHIFT] while dragging multiples of the same item. 'Grabbing the whole stack'

If you or a player is moving a stack of items like 5 Rations from the party sheet to their inventory or vice-versa they can hold [SHIFT] and drag all 5 at once. Much faster than dragging five times.

  • Clicking both mouse buttons to create a quick arrow/pointer.

Great for players and GMs who want to quickly point to something on a map or image. Simply click both mouse buttons and drag to the area you want to address. You can also:

[SHIFT]+both mouse buttons = draw a Square
[CTRL]+both mouse buttons = draw a Circle
[ALT]+both mouse buttons = draw a Cone

Drop shelf 1 3 3 – makes dragging and dropping easier to be

Clicking both mouse buttons over one of these images will delete it. Note: You can have only one image drawn this way at a time.

  • Vote / Ready Check in Chat Window.

You can use the /vote feature to check if everyone is ready to play at the beginning of a session or after a break. Or you can give an anonymous vote to your group for a binary choice. Examples: /vote Ready? or /vote Check mark to continue playing or X to stop for the night. When clicking on the circles that show up in chat one click makes a check two makes an x. This allows your group to make a decision without feeling pressured because it is anonymous.(You can even cover questions with 3 answers by giving third choice to leave the circle blank)

  • Using the middle mouse button to move around the map.

You can navigate large maps and images with the middle mouse button instead of using the navigate button on the bottom right of a map/image.

  • Middle mouse to accept movement of tokens when they are locked.

As a DM/GM you can just click the middle mouse button over a token instead of right clicking and choosing accept move. Great time saver!

  • Middle mouse button on 'hidden' rolls / text in the GM's chat window shares the hidden roll with players.

Top mac os. Instead of dragging rolls and other hidden text out of chat and dropping it back in just click the 'Middle Mouse Button'.

  • While in mask mode holding [SHIFT] while drawing to unmask.

This allows a GM to unmask things more natrually. Instead of cropping out a square you can hold SHIFT and draw curves, circles or any shape you want to reveal.
Holding [CTRL] will re-mask using the rectangle.
Holding [CTRL]+[SHIFT] will re-mask using the freehand tool.

  • Dragging GREEN helmet on the Combat Tracker to an image/map places tokens of all Friendly units in Combat tracker on the image.

Very useful for adding tokens for all the PCs to a map. Same with Yellow and Red, though usually those are already set up in an Encounter.

  • Use the Modifier box in the lower-left to add or subtract large values to things like Gold pieces on a character sheet.

That way the math is done automatically. If you sell an item for 3482 gp, type that number into the Modifier box and drag it to your gold pieces field on your character sheet to add it. To subtract, either type a negative value into the modifier field, or hit [CTRL] when dropping a positive value on to the gold pieces field to remove the coins. The modifier box can also be used with damage/healing roles in the chatbox. By entering a number into the modifier box and then dragging the damage healing to a token or Combt Tracker you can increase/decrease any value. The modifier box can also be used to drag healing/Temp HP/Wounds ad-hoc to the Combat Tracker. You place the positive or negative value and pull the number from the modifier box to the desired location on the combat tracker that you wish to effect.

  • Right clicking on the chat window and selecting unlock position will let you resize chat window & move it to another location on the desktop.

With desktop real estate being at a premium useful to shrink the chat window to the smallest possible as you can always scroll back to earlier entries as needed. You can do the same thing (unlock) the dice tower and reposition it as well. You can move the dice too if you don't like their position.

Drop Shelf 1 3 3 – Makes Dragging And Dropping Easier Something

  • Using the preparation button at the bottom of the actions tab for more than just spells.

Drop Shelf 1 3 3 – Makes Dragging And Dropping Easier To Be

You can create entries like healing potions and racial abilities that either have a finite amount of uses or so many uses per day/rest. By switching to preparation mode you can set the number of uses and when/if those uses come back/reset. This is helpful for keeping track of lots of things from rations to a Paladin's lay on hands.

Drop Shelf 1 3 3 – Makes Dragging And Dropping Easier Every

This document was created with the help of many users on the forums. As new procedures are posted this document will be updated.

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